I can't believe it has already been a week since we left on our drive to Nundle and this year's GDITC.
Blogger does not want to let me rearrange the photos. They are out of order, so please bear with me.
Above is the annual blogger photo. It's getting bigger every year.
We did this on both Friday and Saturday - drinks on the lawn with show and tell. I must admit this is one of the best parts of the weekend - meeting new people, catching up with others and admiring all the things we have seen on each others' blogs.
Sue Daley , our guest tutor, held evening trunk shows. Friday night's show was packed. This quilt was my favourite. It is in Sue's new book.

These are the 2 projects we could work on.
A pair of regular attendees were missing and sorely missed. They were represented in spirit as a pair of chooks - look for them in the group photo. Currently they are 'on tour' with a group of ladies who drove a round trip of over 2,000 kilometres to attend and I thought our 1,321 km was pretty good.
The countdown for next year has already started.
Take care,