Firstly the froggy bed quilt for my grandniece is FINALLY finished. Unfortunately it is still not delivered yet. Must remedy that. I love the back fabric; it has blue dragonflies that stand out on the very pink background.
I also whipped up a lovely scarf for my hubbie. He's off to work in a very cold part of Australia soon and will need it I think. The yarn was knobbly and variegated, fun to work with and so soft. I just used treble with a large hook, nothing fancy. I let the yarn 'speak'.

All being well, the above mentioned grandniece will become a big sister within weeks. I have a boy quilt stashed away, waiting only to be quilted, but no girly ones.
I used Spring Fever by Me & My Sister for a quilt on the other side of the family and loved it so much I bought some more. I've liked this 'Square Dance ' pattern for ages, so it is about time I used it. Looks simple and quick. We'll see.

Today is like a real Queensland winter - only light long sleeves during the day. So much different to the last few weeks. I don't think we knew what hit us.
Hope everyone is warm at their places,
Take care,