We had a great week-end.
Hubbie and I were able to tick off several things on our to-do list and have some time to relax doing our own thing.
We have been working on renovating our side garden since before Christmas. After years of drought our weather has turned the other way completely. The ground has been so boggy that we have only recently been able to get back to the work. Boggy surprises me as we live on a sloping block of land. Of course, we lived up to our usual standard - it rained while we worked.

This is the nearly finished photo. I have to
repot the
bromeliads and work out their final placement.
WARNING: People who can really do needle turn applique look away now.

I had my very first go at needle turn applique. It was on the Anni Downs project from my day out in
Nundle. I survived and have not thrown it in the bin. I actually liked doing it.

This is me - a picture of concentration!

Two more bits to do, then to finish the embroidery. It will end up being a small wall hanging and I have just the spot for it.
I had fun today at our 'Kitchen Table' craft group. I played with new born twins. One of our group became a grandmother last week and the new babies came for a visit. Beautiful! Not to be outdone another member welcomed her 7
th step-grandchild. I'm the only non-grandmother there, but I'm NOT in any rush to join them.
See you later,