I've been a remiss about blogging. We have had a bit of a busy time here and a couple of worries. Most of it has turned out well and the other has at least got some direction.
I have, however, been able to keep my hands busy. My son left primary school a long time ago and my efforts for the Mother's Day stall ended then also. That was until I recently caught up with a just-retired teacher, who put my name to the new stall
convenor who happens to live in my street. Out came the crochet hooks, but I was determined to stay away from the kitchen towels I did in the past. I did so many I could do them in my sleep!

I had some beautiful wool, but only a ball of each colourway. So I made what I call Queensland coastal scarves. In other words, scarves designed more as an accessory than as a warm necessity. Some were a bit short so they got turned into twisted collar style scarves.

Also, I finally started on my
grandneice's quilt for her bed. The fabric is Lily Pond by Wendy
Slotboom for In The Beginning. I've had it put away for ages. It just screams 'Don't cut me up too much!' So big, simple blocks. I love it but I can hear now Miss 'Turning 3 but Going on 30'. She will tell me her frogs are green not pink!
I have the top together now, but no photo yet. The weather here has turned overcast and showery again. Not good photography weather.
Hope to be back soon with more show and tell.
Take care,