See Bec, I used some of your 'scraps'.

For the zipper pull I used 2 small yo yos and a piece of saved ribbon. I wear a lot of Regatta clothes. They tie their labels on this thin brown ribbon. I think it's a sturdy gros grain (may have misspelt that) with a little extra decoration going down the middle. Too good to just throw out. I saved a few now. Knew I'd find a use one day! What's that new word? 'Repurposing', I think.

Zippers and I are still trying to get to know one another, but I am getting better with them.

We had an easy tea last night. I'm not the greatest cook. I'm always surprised when things turn out. I'm getting good a these 'use up what's left over' omelets.
Have a good week everyone.
Take care,
The bag is fantastic great idea for Mothers Day Stalls....I love omelets and this one looks yummy...
Great Job on the Bag..I'm sure it will be a Winner on the Stall...
What a brilliant idea for the zipper pull (is it called a fob??). I wouldn't have thought to put yoyos on it....looks amazing. There will definitely be happy Mums in your area......
Very cute bag and great work using scraps and otehr bits and pieces - love the zipper pull xxx
Fantastic bag and I love the idea of the yo yos
nice little zipper bag.........dinner looks great......
Just gorgeous Kayly.... I love ANY kind of zipper bags... They are so useful and I'm sure some wonderful Mum will appreciate a handy present from her beautiful child on Mother's Day.
Lovely little bag there. What a great idea with the ribbons you save, and the yo-yo looks perfect on the ribbon!! Sounds nice with the Mother`s Day Stalls.
Yummy omelet:-)
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