My sister came down from Gympie to join us for Christmas Day. Her sons and grandchildren were all visiting their in-laws.
Here she is on the left with our parents in the middle.
My son was able to take a break at lunchtime to join us. Even taxi drivers work on Christmas Day, but there wasn't much work around for him unfortunately.
We did a jigsaw and played 'Bobs'. Haven't had this game out for awhile. It's one I used to play with all my Mother's rellies at my great grandmother's home many, many years ago. Competition was serious.
After they went home, I quietly sat and opened my SSCS present. The lovely Tonje from Norway sent me a wall hanging with a very suitable saying embroidered on it.
There were postcards picked out by her little son. He selected very good ones. There was also a Troll calendar with clever illustrations and a reflector, which will be good when out walking at night.
Thank you Chookyblue and Googy-Girl for running SSCS 2014.
We are off now to my cousin's home to catch with some of my Father's nieces and nephews.
Take care everyone,
Cheryl (aka Kayly)
Thursday, December 26, 2013
Tuesday, December 24, 2013
Merry Christmas
To All in Blogland,
Merry Christmas!
May you have Peace and Joy
at this time of year.
Cheryl (aka Kayly) and her DH
Sunday, December 15, 2013
On the Road
Hubby was told to take 3 weeks holiday at Christmas instead of the usual 2 week shutdown. He didn't want to hang around home the entire time. I had too many jobs for him to do. LOL.
So here we are having morning tea on the Clarence River on our way to Port Macquarie.
Take care,
Cheryl (aka Kayly)
Saturday, December 7, 2013
FNWF Results
I had 2 things organised and I was going well, then my son popped in for a visit. I don't see him very often, so I downed tools for a chat.
I finished the quilting on the very new and early Master H's quilt.
I made the binding, but by this time it was late. I didn't trust my sewing under the light in that room.
So I switched to another block of my Sue Daley Square Dance applique quilt. I use a very bright light to do this. I started this one about June 2012. I got a real go on at the beginning, but other things took precedence. Still it is a good travelling project.
Don't know if I showed Miss H's finished quilt. We were supposed to drive to Gympie today with her great grandparents (my parents) for our first cuddle and to deliver the quilt. Unfortunately her big sister bought a tummy bug home from daycare, so the visit was off.
It did mean that I was able to add the binding to the Blue Rhino quilt. Joining the ends does not come easily to me. Lately I've cheated and just stuck one end inside the other. I've had 2 problems. On one quilt I tucked too much in and turning and sewing down the binding was a bit thick. On another one I didn't tuck enough in and had to be very careful sewing down that binding. Today I persisted (read - swore the air blue) and joined it properly. I might go back to just tucking it in. LOL
So tonight on SNWH (Saturday Night with Hubby), I'm sewing down binding.
Thank you the Cheryll for hosting FNWF. Go to her blog to see what others got up to last night.
Take care,
Cheryl (aka Kayly)
I finished the quilting on the very new and early Master H's quilt.
I made the binding, but by this time it was late. I didn't trust my sewing under the light in that room.
So I switched to another block of my Sue Daley Square Dance applique quilt. I use a very bright light to do this. I started this one about June 2012. I got a real go on at the beginning, but other things took precedence. Still it is a good travelling project.
Don't know if I showed Miss H's finished quilt. We were supposed to drive to Gympie today with her great grandparents (my parents) for our first cuddle and to deliver the quilt. Unfortunately her big sister bought a tummy bug home from daycare, so the visit was off.
It did mean that I was able to add the binding to the Blue Rhino quilt. Joining the ends does not come easily to me. Lately I've cheated and just stuck one end inside the other. I've had 2 problems. On one quilt I tucked too much in and turning and sewing down the binding was a bit thick. On another one I didn't tuck enough in and had to be very careful sewing down that binding. Today I persisted (read - swore the air blue) and joined it properly. I might go back to just tucking it in. LOL
So tonight on SNWH (Saturday Night with Hubby), I'm sewing down binding.
Thank you the Cheryll for hosting FNWF. Go to her blog to see what others got up to last night.
Take care,
Cheryl (aka Kayly)
Friday, December 6, 2013
How exciting! I have signed up for my first Friday Night With Friends.

I've tried to do this in the past, but something always cropped up. To night, Hubby is off with workmates to the movies and I have a very late present to work on.
FNWF is hosted by Cheryll. I was number 44 signing up. I wonder how many others will there be.

I've tried to do this in the past, but something always cropped up. To night, Hubby is off with workmates to the movies and I have a very late present to work on.
FNWF is hosted by Cheryll. I was number 44 signing up. I wonder how many others will there be.
Tuesday, December 3, 2013
Santa Touch Down
I think the postal services outdid themselves this year with their delivery times. My SSCS parcel took less than 6 days to get all the way to Belgium.
I received my parcel in just over a week from Norway.
I'm not sure who my Secret Santa is. There was a deceptive return address and a very small signature on the custom declaration. Looks like I'll have to wait until I open my present.
Thank you
to my Secret Santa.
I did open my ornament or I should say ornaments as there were 3.
I have to say goodbye to old friends, my quilting gloves. I just wore them out. They did a good job putting up with me trying to do my own quilting.
Off to craft group now.
Take care everyone,
I received my parcel in just over a week from Norway.
I'm not sure who my Secret Santa is. There was a deceptive return address and a very small signature on the custom declaration. Looks like I'll have to wait until I open my present.
Thank you
to my Secret Santa.
I did open my ornament or I should say ornaments as there were 3.
I have to say goodbye to old friends, my quilting gloves. I just wore them out. They did a good job putting up with me trying to do my own quilting.
Off to craft group now.
Take care everyone,
Monday, November 25, 2013
Weekend get-away and who you meet...
We escaped for a long weekend this past weekend to celebrate our 27th wedding anniversary.
It doesn't seem like that many years ago, I was lucky enough to marry this lovely man.
It was an experience not just eating a quick meal - delicious Thai food in beautifully landscaped tropical gardens. We were here 3 years ago at their cooking school and always wanted to come back to the restaurant. Now I want to go back at night. There were candles and lights set up throughout the gardens. It would look magical.
On our way back to our accommodation, we tried unsuccessfully to find Lynette Anderson's shop, The Little Quilt Shop.
My darling DH bought it up again on Saturday. A quick check on the internet and a quick drive had us there not long before closing time.
I walked in the door and who do I see, but Dawnie of Itching for Stitching. - the people you meet far from home. We had a laugh and a photo op, then she was back on her mission, selecting fabric for a beautiful bag. (I won't tell the world that it was her second visit, one on the way north and this one on the way south.)
She's on a dare. The bag will be in Nundle next year. I was a bit slow to specify finished, and not in pieces. Both our darling DHs were patiently waiting outside. Good blokes.
I blame you, Dawnie for the below purchase.
The shop, The Patchwork Tree at Alderley, is closing down and having a sale. I went the week before last for a look. I bought a few things. I had this in my hands, while walking around. I eventually put it back on the shelf. I told myself I have other similar patterns or books at home. I didn't need to add it to my impossibly long list of things to do.
But...I had seen and loved this quilt when it was released....I talked myself out of signing up.... Dawnie has made this quilt....I've seen it on her blog.....I told her I loved her quilt....she said it was wonderful to do and she had so looked forward to each month's it's your fault, I went back to the shop today to see if it was still was and now it's home with me. Oh, dear, I can't help myself.
I wonder if there is a support group for those with no self control when shopping in a patchwork shop.
Take care,
SSCS 2013
Wrapped and posted and...
....hopefully winging its way to.......hmmm, I wonder who?
Thanks to Chookyblue and her apprentice Googy Girl for all their hard work.
....hopefully winging its way to.......hmmm, I wonder who?
Thanks to Chookyblue and her apprentice Googy Girl for all their hard work.
Monday, November 18, 2013
Best Afternoon...
Yesterday, I had the best afternoon. It was our Christmas break-up party for our group, Stitchers Inc.
This time we met in the community room attached to the Mt Gravatt library.
Here is our valiant organiser, Maree, about to deliver Santa's presents.
This is the aftermath. Everyone unwrapping, looking and admiring and checking out all the gifts.
The presents were beautiful.
We still had show and tell. Below is De's 'Aiming for Accuracy' quilt top.
Marilyn had some gorgeous embroidery to show.
I was a very lucky girl. I won the lucky door prize. It will be perfect over the arm of my recliner.
Maree was my Secret Santa and this is what she made for me. The standard of my Christmas table just went up a notch or 2. I also got a beautiful mug covered in strawberries and chocolates.
There were caramels in here to. Yeah, yeah, eaten.
And chocolates here. Yeah, yeah eaten.
Sandi made us beautiful bon bons, with a hat, joke, snap, fabric and (I've just realised I missed putting them in the photo) 2 wine glass charms. Although some, who shall remain nameless thought they made great earrings. De made the woven star and Susan the embroidered angel. Perfect for our new Christmas tree.
We are all looking forward to next year. We will have a new name -Sunday Stitchers, and a new venue - the Community Hall at Ormeau. I certainly won't miss the struggle to find a car park at Garden City, made worse by their major renovation which is also the reason we were evicted from their community room.
Thank you to everyone for making a very enjoyable afternoon. See you all in 2014.
I'm not showing what I made just yet. I made a similar one for another Christmas swap I'm in and I don't want to give too much away.
Take care everyone,
This time we met in the community room attached to the Mt Gravatt library.
This is the aftermath. Everyone unwrapping, looking and admiring and checking out all the gifts.
The presents were beautiful.
We still had show and tell. Below is De's 'Aiming for Accuracy' quilt top.
Marilyn had some gorgeous embroidery to show.
I was a very lucky girl. I won the lucky door prize. It will be perfect over the arm of my recliner.
Maree was my Secret Santa and this is what she made for me. The standard of my Christmas table just went up a notch or 2. I also got a beautiful mug covered in strawberries and chocolates.
There were caramels in here to. Yeah, yeah, eaten.
And chocolates here. Yeah, yeah eaten.
Sandi made us beautiful bon bons, with a hat, joke, snap, fabric and (I've just realised I missed putting them in the photo) 2 wine glass charms. Although some, who shall remain nameless thought they made great earrings. De made the woven star and Susan the embroidered angel. Perfect for our new Christmas tree.
We are all looking forward to next year. We will have a new name -Sunday Stitchers, and a new venue - the Community Hall at Ormeau. I certainly won't miss the struggle to find a car park at Garden City, made worse by their major renovation which is also the reason we were evicted from their community room.
Thank you to everyone for making a very enjoyable afternoon. See you all in 2014.
I'm not showing what I made just yet. I made a similar one for another Christmas swap I'm in and I don't want to give too much away.
Take care everyone,
Thursday, November 7, 2013
Finally a crafty post....
So another baby quilt is needed. I've had this pattern and honey bun set aside for awhile. The fabric is 'Fresh' by Deb Strain. I used a Thimble Blossoms pattern, with a couple of changes.
The biggest thing about this project had been my new design wall.
I saw these Fons and Porter's products when I went on retreat to Glenrose in July. It was so much better to see your quilt's layout on a wall and not struggling to see it on the floor.
I don't have a wall free at the moment.
So I'm using these magnetic clips on the front of my 2 metal cupboards.
I don't have too much room to step back for a look, but it's okay for the moment. My sewing machine was next to it.
It was great sewing the blocks together. Just push back on my wheeled chair, pick them off the wall and turn back to the machine.
When I worked off the floor, no matter how careful I was, I always seemed to turn a block the wrong way.
I finished the quilting this afternoon. I want to get the binding on tomorrow.
The other sewing I've been doing is secret Christmas swap stuff. So no photos yet.
See you later,
Cheryl (aka Kayly)
Thursday, October 24, 2013
Warwick Part 2
Yes, I know, a bit slow getting back to part 2. WARNING, very long post with no craft. This post is a bit of a travelogue.
After the quilt show we went to Glengallan Homestead.
This is the cover of their guide. I thought Hubby was taking photos on his camera, so I just enjoyed the atmosphere. Wrong, never mind.
This poor old homestead was never finished. Later it was abandoned and left to deteriorate. The Glengallan property was important to the history of the region and wool production. The Friends of Glengallan Society worked for many years to save, preserve and restore the house.
The house is beautifully situated with a commanding view east, of the valley leading to Cunningham's Gap and mountains. It was a very hot and still day when we visited. The deep verandah seemed to create its own breeze. When we walked inside, the very thick sandstone walls created a definite drop in the temperature, making wonderfully cool rooms. The one wing that was finished would have been impressive in its heyday. It even had an ensuite with a slate lined bath and a flushing toilet. This would have been very much the ultimate in house design at the time.
The next day we went bushwalking at Goomburra in the Main Range National Park. We did the Cascade Walk. Yes, I know the brochure warned there were creek crossings, but there were so many! At least I got a lot of practice rock hopping.
These rather large and impressive sculptures at the dam are of Patrick and Kate Leslie, pioneers of the district.
Couldn't resist this photo -does it bring to mind the old saying 'shag on a rock'.
On the way home we stopped at Cunningham's Gap lookout. This is a 'gap' in the mountain range before the road descends to the Fassifern Valley. Although, recent roadworks have made it safer, the decent can be scary at times, but not as scary as it once was. We read the information sign that told how in the past, the drays were lowered and raised by being tied to the trees. This is the way my ancestors would have travelled here and at the Toowoomba Range road. It was in stark contrast to the much easier way we descended that day.
Well that's it for our weekend away at Warwick. It is a pretty little city for a getaway. I can recommend it. It has lots to see and do and great food.
Take care,
Cheryl (aka Kayly)
PS: Does anyone else have photos in posts that won't stay where you want them?
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