Yes, I know it looks like 2 empty containers. More importantly though, they are 2 EMPTY ironing containers! After a very busy start to the year in my little job, life is beginning to return to normal. The ironing was the first thing on my 'to-do' list. Towards the end, DH asked me to stop as he was running out of drawer space! He now has clothes he had forgotten about.

My second show and tell is this embroidery. It is from a kit I got at a Girls' Day Out at Glenharrow in 2009 with Leanne Beasley and Rosalie Quinlan. It has been completed, all but the satin stitch, for quite some time. This particular stitch is not my favourite, but I've been practising. So the center of the big flowers are diamond shaped not circles, I can live with that. The rest turned out acceptable, so I should not let this stitch defeat me.

So many wonderful people around Australia and, indeed the world, have been making sewing kits and quilts for those affected by the floods in Queensland and Victoria and by Cyclone Yasi.
As a Queenslander I would like to
thank you all for your care and generosity.
My family was lucky not to be affected physically, but one cannot help but be affected by the photographs and stories in the newspapers and on the television.
I thought I had better do my bit as well. I made this sewing kit and I'm also making a crocheter's kit. I used a 'Spring Magic' honey bun and some yardage. I had fun as usual (not) with the zipper. I even made the tassel.
At 'Sisters of Stitch', a group that gathers at the local library fortnightly, we are collecting specific items as they are needed. This fortnight it is pillowcases, hand cream and containers for paperwork. Pillows have been issued to people in emergency accommodation but no pillowcases. The hand cream is to help after a day's cleaning. Paperwork holders are needed because of the huge amount of forms the affected have acquired. One of our group has good contacts in the Lockyer Valley and we giving our collections directly to them.
See you later.
Take care everyone.