The photos are out of order, so you'll have to bear with me. I had hope to do a running commentary on our day, but that didn't work out. The reason was that I was the only one to turn up without my strata done. I was behind from the start.

You can see from below we had a good set up. We certainly spread ourselves around - my dining room, lounge and our 'outdoor' room - the outside room you have when
hubbie hates mosquitoes.

The top photo is D's quilt waiting for decisions to be made about its borders.
Heavens to Bettsy is holding her quilt. It just needs its outer border.
Then its R's quilt, also trialling a possible border.
Where's mine? Well it's still to have the inner 9 blocks sewn together. I promise it will be finished and shown.
We had a great day with morning tea and lunch as well. No afternoon tea stop - too busy.
I think we all give the x-block ruler and book by Quilt Queen Designs the thumbs up.
Hopefully I'll be able to show all the finished quilts soon. A bit more whip cracking I think, of me, of course!
Take care,