I had a birthday - one of those that puts you up into the next demographic survey group. Yuck!
My DH made it all better though by taking me to Restaurant II in the city. We had a very delicious meal in lovely surroundings, even if it was a bit expensive for the meal size we were served.

I started work on a baby quilt for her little sister who arrived about a week later - the beautiful Miss S. Miss A has been performing her big sister duties very diligently.

I got to go to Canberra (our National Capital) with DH. While he worked, I played tourist. Our Federal Parliament House really is an impressive building in both its lay-out and symbolism.

I went to and loved Addicted to Fabric, Hobbysew and the Woolshed. I went to some other craft shops, but their description in the phone book did not match reality.
I had fun getting around on the Canberra buses. They were frequent and driven by very helpful drivers.
On the home front, our elderly Grevillea has put on a spectacular flowering. Several birds including a family of Blue-eyed Honeyeaters have been visiting. They are very skittish and I have not been able to get a really good photo.

Our 'kitchen table' patchwork group had a sewing day doing the Jelly Roll Race. I didn't join in, preferring to start quilting the baby quilt instead.

This is a composite of the three quilts sewn. They only need their borders. The other ladies had fun doing this quick top.

Well that enough catching up. I have to get my computer off the table. DH is cooking dinner for my parents who are nearly here. It smells yummo - slow cooked beef cheeks and roasted vegies.
See you later,