Finished and handed over with the bag from the previous post! The
recipient was pleased, thank heavens. It turns out blue is her favourite colour. That was a good guess on my part and no thanks to her
hubbie who could not help me with suggestions. I did a bit of stirring of him at the morning tea we had to say goodbye. I ended up calling it 'Boxes' because it looks like all the boxes we have
carefully packed and stacked in the bookshop.

This was all I was able to do in June for the Gardener's Journal stitch-along. I have the house and July's
stitcheries traced and ready to go. I'm off to
Bunya Mountains tomorrow for a few days. I'm aiming to go walking in the mornings and stitch in the afternoons. The glasses are a bit
lairy. They are a pair of those cheap magnifying ones. My prescription craft glasses are good, but these are better to see with at the position where I hold my stitching.

I've been quilting for a few years now, so I thought I might start showing photos of some of the quilts I've made. This one was purchased as a kit. The pattern is a Terry Atkinson one called 'Lucky Stars' rather appropriate as it turned out. It sat languishing in my stash for 'one day'. 'One day' came late last year when a friend of mine was diagnosed with breast cancer. The kit became her 'chemo' blanket. I got a lovely card from her, telling me it helped to brighten some dark days. It was great one to make, not too hard at all. I ditched stitched the quilting, but I would have loved to have free motioned it.
In case
any one's interested, I did find my keys. Somehow they found their way way out of my handbag and onto the ground at work. Luckily they were handed in to the groundsman. My
hubbie's relieved too. I think he is working out how to staple them to my head!
Take care everyone. I hope to have some good photos from the
Bunyas for my next post.